Tag Archives: meissner effect

What is Levitation & Meissner Effect in Superconductivity

The phenomena of levitation of a magnet above a cooled superconductor is known as the Meissner Effect. If a superconductor is cooled below its critical temperature while in a magnetic field, the magnetic field surrounds but does not penetrate the superconductor. The magnet induces current in the superconductor which creates a counter-magnetic force that causes the… Read More »

Everything about superconductor [Answered]

superconductor definition Before understanding the superconductor lets see what is superconductivity, it is the flow of electric current without resistance in certain metals, alloys, and ceramics at temperatures near absolute zero, and in some cases at temperatures hundreds of degrees above absolute zero = -273ºK. Therefore superconductor is the material having almost zero resistivity and… Read More »